
Monday, December 20, 2010

bila kita minat dia ('_<)

Saya percaya semua orang mesti ada crush kt sesorng kn??

bila kite mnat kat org tu:

1) kte asyk brharap dia mncul dpan kite..kite dok bce jampi serapah mntak2 kita dapat jmpe dia..haha..

2) Pstu kalo dia lalu sbelah kte,kite mula pura2 xnmpak tapi dalam hati ‘aish…cepat la tego..ak dah jln punya slow ni’..haha..ak tau korg mmg cmni sbb ak la slh sorg tu..^.^

3) bile dia tego kite,dpan dia mke maintain je..tnye dia cm kwan bese je..pas dia pergi je..peh..kalo ad krusi dpan korg,cnfirm patah sbb korg sepak..hehe..punye la happy pdahal dia just tnye ‘watpe tu’…

4) tapi bile dia xtego kte,mula la..masuk blik mke cam mati laki..mula pkir ‘nape dia xtego ak td..nk kata xnmpak,dh lalu dia tau ak ske dia,dia xnak lyan dia…..or dia…..’.mule la korg pkir ap sebab dia xtgor korg~

5)lagi 1,kalo korg ske kat dia,mle la kwan2 korg jd mngsa..lg2 yg mne rapt ngn korg..tiap2 hari nak cte..brdarah telinga kwan2 korang tu..roommate lagi orang gila kite brcerita tp kwan2 kite baik..walaupun dah tau jlan cte tu,diorg tetap dengar..

6)bila waktu cuti sem,peh~lagi r..dah r xleh tgk mke dia..seb baik ad fb~connecting ble dia on9,xtau nk tgo,korg tgk jela..ble skali dua nak tego hai boleh tahan kalo tiap2 ari nak tego dulu,kite pun rse trpksa la tahan hati..

7) apa status dia kat fb,smua nk like..bile status dia sedih,mule kte tnye plg sedih kalo status dia pasal orang lain..dan psal hati dia kt pmpuan lain..nk mrah xleh,nk like pon xleh..tgk je la..pstu amek bntal..tutp muke pastu jerit..

8)tp ble dia komen2 dgn kwan2 dia,n dia brsungguh kata yg dia still single,mula r..snyum xnmpk mata..even kte tau mybe dlm hati ad kte ttp wat xtau..slagi mulut dia xkate sndiri,slagi tu kita ttap anggap dia single..

9)kalo kite nmpak brang2 yg dia ske,kte pun jd ske kat barang tu..dia ske minum air oren brand X,kite pun ske..asal g koop je,nk bli air,amek ape yg dia ske..ble nk ble ice cream pon ingat ble kite nk bli asam ttbe tringat dia bese kate ‘makan asam xelok..xyah bli’..trus xjadi nk bli..mak kte punya la payah pujuk kte jgan mkan asam,dia ckp cmtu je trus dgr~tp ble dpan dia,trus g bli asam..saje nk attntion dia..

10)last skali r..korg msti brharap 1hari korg leh confess kt dia..n untuk mse skrang korg hnye tgk dia dari jauh je*yg dkat tu ok la*..macam kwan2 saya kate ‘g je la cnfess kat dia’..ape diorg ingt ak cnfess ni cm nk bli gula2..sng2 je~kena r ada azam yg kuat,mke tebal baru leh cnfess..

So, kpada ssiapa yg ad crush tu r,sye sgt pham prasaan n keadaan yg pnting kita kne la syg lbih kt yg kat atas,THE ONLY ONE..n also kite nyer FAMILY..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

saya suka lagu ni~

dear diary,,
memandangkan ni ari pertama ak start digital diary ni,,
jd ak nak share lagu ni ngan sume org yg ak syg,,
supaye dorg tau pe yg ati ak nk,,

More Than Words

Saying I love you,

Is not the words,
I want to hear from you,
It's not that I want you,
Not to say but if you only knew,
How easy,
it would be to show me how you feel,

More than words,

is all you have to do,
to make it real,
Then you wouldn't have to say,
that you love me,
Cause I'd already know,

What would you do,

if my heart was torn in two,

More than words to show you feel,

That your love for me is real,

What would you say,

if I took those words away,

Then you couldn't make things new,

Just by saying I love you,

It's more than words,

It's more than what you say,
It's the things you do,
oh yeah,
It's more than words,
It's more than what you say,
It's the things you do,
oh yeah,

Now that I've tried to,

talk to you and make you understand,
All you have to do,
is close your eyes,
And just reach out your hands,
and touch me,
Hold me close don't ever let me go,

More than words,

is all I ever needed you to show,
Then you wouldn't have to say,
that you love me,
Cause I'd already know,

What would you do,

if my heart was torn in two,

More than words to show you feel,

That your love for me is real,
What would you say,
if I took those words away,
Then you couldn't make things new,(no no)
Just by saying I love you.....

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me, myself and i are one.